
Joc puzzle magnetic Ferma, Legler

Categorii: ,

Cod: 10706-lgr

What a wild farm life! This magnet puzzle invites you to build exciting scenes, day and night, with the wonderful pictures shown on 46 magnetic pieces. The magnetic board and the three lovingly drawn cards allow children to experience the stories and encourage them to discover, tell stories, and make animal noises. In addition, fine motor skills are developed. The magnet puzzle is a great toy that’s great for both the children’s room and for on-the-go!

Această bucurie nu mai face parte din oferta noastră de voie bună.

Informații suplimentare

Greutate0,56 kg
Dimensiuni25 × 25 × 1,5 cm

Cutie colorată

Vârsta Recomandată

3+ (conform producătorului)
