
Figurină Berbec, Safari


Cod: SAF161429

Prețul inițial a fost: 25,00 lei.Prețul curent este: 24,00 lei.

1 în stoc

Livrare la destinatie • Livrare 20 RON curier sau easybox •

Livrare la destinatie La destinație în intervalul 2025/01/21 - 2025/01/22


Figurina este pictată manual cu vopsea non-toxică!

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A ram is a male sheep of breeding age, usually older than seven months. In some locales, male sheep are known as Tups. Over 200 breeds of sheep exist, all the result of selective breeding for various qualities, such as wool length and thickness.


  • Scientific Name: Ovis aries
  • Characteristics: This well-built ram figure is the leader of his flock. His large, curved horns are helpful for settling arguments with other rams in the flock.
  • Size and Color: This light brown ram has realistically textured fur and measures 3 ½ inches long and 2 ¾ inches tall, a little larger than a computer mouse.
  • The Ram is part of the Safari Farm collection.
  • All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.

Unlike antlers, which are shed every year, horns are with an animal for life. A ram’s horns will continue to grow unless broken, and they are made of similar material to finger nails. In several cultures, ram horns are highly symbolic. The Hebrew word for trumpet in the Old Testament of the Bible is shofar, which refers to a ram’s horn trumpet. The shofar was one of man’s earliest wind instruments, and the blowing of the ram’s horn heralded important events. In the Old Testament story of the conquest of Jericho, ram’s horns were blown on the fateful day that the city’s walls crumbled. They were also used for celebrations and announcements.

Present Status With over one billion individuals in just the most common species of sheep, they are in no overall danger. There are, however, some species that are exceedingly rare or endangered, such as the Boreray and the mouflon. The mouflon was the subject of cloning experiments in 2001 and the lamb survived for seven months. While some view cloning as a way of preserving endangered species, it cannot contribute to the genetic diversity, which is the key to a species long-term survival.