
Figurină Cățel Golden retriever, Safari


Cod: SAF253129

Prețul inițial a fost: 29,00 lei.Prețul curent este: 28,00 lei.

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Livrare la destinatie La destinație în intervalul 2025/01/21 - 2025/01/22


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Golden retrievers are larger dogs with medium energy, known for their intelligence and loyalty. The breed standard allows only three colors, golden, light golden, or dark golden, so these retrievers are true to their name. They are members of the sporting breed group.


  • Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
  • Characteristics: One of the most popular dog breeds, this golden retriever figure displays the intelligence and energy that have made them favorites. The realism extends from its ears to its toes.
  • Size and Color: Gold-colored, of course, this golden retriever figure also mixes in some lighter gold underside fur for contrast, along with lifelike colors about the face. It’s 4 ½ inches long and 3 ½ tall, similar to a medium-sized potato.
  • The Golden Retriever is part of the Best in Show collection.
  • All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.

Golden retrievers are members of the sporting breed, meaning they were initially bred as hunters’ helpers. In fact, many retrievers are still beloved hunting dogs today, but the breed is also a household favorite due to its devotion and energy. Bred in Scotland in the mid-1800s, in a time and place where hunting for food was a necessity for survival, golden retrievers were seen as highly trainable dogs useful in fowl hunting of all kinds. Those initial traits are true today. Golden Retrievers are overwhelming viewed as trainable, and they are still used for hunting as well as service animals and search-and-rescue dogs. More than most any other breed, they are devoted family members, excellent with children and with other pets.

Present Status The Golden Retriever breed is popular among those who like to run, hike and do outdoor activities. Goldens are also great service dogs. They are popular as Seeing Eye Dogs for the blind and guide dogs for the hearing impaired or those with seizure disorders or traumatic brain injuries.