
Figurină Cocoș rasa Phoenix, Safari

Categorii: ,

Cod: SAF245029

Prețul inițial a fost: 20,00 lei.Prețul curent este: 19,00 lei.

1 în stoc

Livrare la destinatie • Livrare 20 RON curier sau easybox •

Livrare la destinatie La destinație în intervalul 2025/02/25 - 2025/02/26

Phoenix roosters are a highly unique breed, easily distinguishable by their saddle and sickle feathers, the long feathers that reach from their backs and tails, as well as their slate-colored legs. The feathers can grow to a foot long or more.

Phoenix roosters resemble Japanese Onagadori chickens, which isn’t surprising since Onagadoris were used to create the Phoenix breed. However, Onagadori chickens have even longer feathers, measured in yards rather than feet, and they require a great deal of special care and a unique diet. A German farmer created the Phoenix breed by crossing long-feathered Onagadoris with hardier European breeds. Phoenix birds still require more attention to their diets and aren’t quite as sturdy as other breeds, but their beauty makes up for any perceived shortcomings. The exact roots of their name are unknown, but it’s a fair guess that the name comes from mythology, referring to how the Phoenix chicken rose from the ashes of other breeds to become a new creation.

Present Status In the United States, Phoenix chickens were kept as early as 1924. The Livestock Conservancy lists the status of the Phoenix rooster as threatened because so few people own, raise, and breed them.


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  • Figurina este pictată manual, cu vopsea non-toxică și nu conține BPA sau ftalați.
  • Parte a colecției Safari Farm.