
Figurină Pisica domestică tigrată, Safari


Cod: SAF100128

Prețul inițial a fost: 29,00 lei.Prețul curent este: 28,00 lei.

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Livrare la destinatie La destinație în intervalul 2025/01/23 - 2025/01/24

Figurina Pisica domestică tigrată este pictată manual! Vopseaua nu este toxică și nu conține ftalați.

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“Tabby” refers to any domestic cat that features a distinctive striped or lined pattern on its fur, usually with an “M” shaped mark on its forehead. The stripes may be vertical, swirling, or broken up so that they resemble spots, and the cat’s coat may be any number of colors.

Scientific Name: Felis catus
Characteristics: This tabby features a common grey coloration, with the vertical, lightly curving stripes typical of a “mackerel” style pattern. Our cat figure features a curious expression on its upturned face and a raised, curled tail.
Size and Color: Our tabby figure features gray fur above fading to white below, with black stripes, yellow-green eyes and pink on its nose and inner ears. It measures 2 inches long and 2 ½ inches high, or about the same size as a small cupcake.