Figurină Cașalot, Safari
Categorii: Figurine de animale marine
Cod: SAF275529
Prețul inițial a fost: 44,00 lei.42,00 leiPrețul curent este: 42,00 lei.
1 în stoc
Figurinele Safari sunt pictate manual în culori non-toxice.
Because it has teeth instead of baleen, the Sperm Whale is the world’s largest toothed predator at nearly 60 feet in length. They keep up their size by diving down to 1000 meters and holding their breath for up to 90 minutes as they search for giant squid.
- Scientific Name: Physeter macrocephalus
- Characteristics: Featuring the massive head for which the animal is famous, this Sperm Whale figure also captures the unique wrinkly texture of these deep water dwellers.
- Size and Color: Mostly light gray, these figures have a whitish underbelly and realistic eye and tongue colors. At 8 ½ inches long, they are the same as the width of a sheet of copy paper.
- The Sperm Whale is part of the Wild Safari® Sea Life collection.
- All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.
The name Sperm Whale was given by whalers many years ago, who upon capturing the large whales, found a whitish substance inside the animals’ large heads. The name given was inaccurate, but it stuck. The Sperm Whale holds a number of distinctions in the animal kingdom. They are the largest toothed whales, as they don’t have baleen like some larger whales. This also makes them the largest toothed predator alive today. They have the largest brains of any animal alive, housed inside the largest skulls. They also have a unique blowhole on their left side, resulting in an angled spray that makes them instantly recognizable by whale watchers.
Did you know
The world’s largest carnivore, the sperm whale, can stay submerged for 2 hours. They swim near others in their school, often touching and caressing each other.
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