
Figurină Delfin, Safari


Cod: SAF200129

Prețul inițial a fost: 29,00 lei.Prețul curent este: 28,00 lei.

1 în stoc

Livrare la destinatie • Livrare 20 RON curier sau easybox •

Livrare la destinatie La destinație în intervalul 2025/02/25 - 2025/02/26

Delfinul (Order Cetartiodactyla): Widely distributed in warm and tropical waters all throughout the world, dolphins are iconic and unique aquatic mammals. They are revered for their intelligence, which is perhaps the most acute of any species in the animal kingdom.

There are over 40 known species of dolphins inhabiting today’s oceans. Believe it or not, because dolphins are part of the Cetartiodactyla order, some of their closest living relatives are actually hippopotamuses! This is because they evolved from the same ancestor, and diverged nearly 40 million years ago. Learn more astounding facts with our life-like dolphin figurine!

Young and old dolphins in family pods play chase, carry objects around, and toss seaweed to each other to interact and strengthen bonds.


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  • Figurina este pictată manual, cu vopsea non-toxică și nu conține BPA sau ftalați.
  • Parte a colecției Wild Safari® Sea Life.