Figurină Cangur mic, Safari
Categorii: Figurine de animale sălbatice
Cod: SAF224929
Prețul inițial a fost: 30,00 lei.29,00 leiPrețul curent este: 29,00 lei.
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Figurina Cangur mic este pictată manual!
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Belonging to the Macropodidae family, wallabies are generally classified as any macropod that is smaller than a kangaroo. However, wallabies are not a separate genetic group, and the term instead covers a broad category of different species, such as the agile wallaby and the rock wallaby.
- History: Wallabies are fairly common and naturally occurring across Australia and New Guinea, and many species have been introduced to other regions like New Zealand. They are threatened by both humans and feral animals like dogs, but classifying wallabies as overarchingly vulnerable or not is challenging due to the wide range of known and differing species.
- Scientific Name: Family Macropodidae
- Characteristics: Due to the broadness of the term, wallabies can come in many different shapes and sizes, ranging from 18 to 72 inches tall. Learn other interesting facts about wallabies with this scientifically accurate wallaby toy figurine!
- Size: 2.5 inches long and 1.5 inches tall, this wallaby toy model is roughly the size of a credit card stood upright.
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