
Figurină Gorilă cu pui, Safari


Cod: SAF294729

Prețul inițial a fost: 42,00 lei.Prețul curent este: 40,00 lei.

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Livrare la destinatie La destinație în intervalul 2025/02/26 - 2025/02/27


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Out of the African jungle and into your living room comes this lowland gorilla family! While this figurine may look adorable with the baby clinging to its mother, it’s also scientifically accurate as infants ride their mothers until they’re old enough to fend for themselves.

  • Scientific Name: Gorilla gorilla gorilla
  • Characteristics: Typical of all primates, lowland gorillas are very intelligent and can use natural tools and learn basic sign language. Such astuteness is depicted in this hand painted figurine family’s eyes, as they strut over to say hello!
  • Size and Color: 4.1 inches long and 3.3 inches tall, this model is a little bigger than a credit card stood on its side. Like all gorilla species, lowland gorillas exhibit dark blackish-brown hair as well as hickory brown eyes.
  • The Lowland Gorilla with Baby is part of the Wild Safari® Wildlife collection.
  • All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.

Like all gorilla species, lowland gorillas are sadly endangered. They suffer from the most common forms of depopulation, including poaching and deforestation resulting in a loss of habitat. However, gorillas are also susceptible to diseases such as Ebola. In fact, past Ebola outbreaks had moved lowland gorillas from endangered to critically endangered. Still, numbers have begun to stabilized and rebound and there is hope for the lowland gorilla going forward.

Lowland Gorilla females can weigh up to 300 pounds and give birth about once every 5 years. By the time the babies are 3 months old; they can crawl and ride on their mothers’s backs.