
Figurină Lemur cu coada inelată, Safari


Cod: SAF292229

Prețul inițial a fost: 30,00 lei.Prețul curent este: 29,00 lei.

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Livrare la destinatie La destinație în intervalul 2025/01/23 - 2025/01/24


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Famous for their lengthy tails, the ring-tailed lemur is a primate found exclusively on the island of Madagascar. Like other lemur species, the ring-tailed lemur is female dominant, meaning that their social groups are controlled by a hierarchy of females.


  • Scientific Name: Lemur catta
  • Characteristics: Despite its size, the ring-tailed lemur’s tail is not prehensile, meaning it can’t hold or grasp objects, and is instead used primarily for balance and communication. Learn tons of other amazing facts with our hand painted and scientifically accurate ring-tailed lemur figurine!
  • Size and Color: Ring-tailed lemurs have brown or gray fur on their back and legs, white fur on their stomach and face, black markings near their eyes, and a long black and white tail. Standing 4 inches tall and 3 inches long, this figurine is about an inch shorter and wider than a soda can.
  • The Ring-tailed Lemur is part of the Wild Safari® Wildlife collection.
  • All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.

Although it is one of the most common lemur species found in zoos, the ring-tailed lemur’s population in the wild is severely threatened. It is considered an endangered species, and has suffered dramatically from habitat destruction. Despite being a protected species, the ring-tailed lemur’s relatively small range of suitable environments makes it uniquely susceptible to fragmentation and habitat loss. Thankfully, ring-tailed lemurs reproduce readily, and experts believe that if wild numbers were to fall to critical levels, these beautiful animals could be reintroduced into the wild from captivity.

Present Status Ring-tailed lemurs are listed as a Near Threatened species because their population is expected to continue dropping as habitat loss increases due to overgrazing and controlled burning to create land for livestock. They are also trapped and kept as pets or hunted for food. Ring-tailed lemurs are protected under international legislation and many live in protected areas.