
Figurină Marmotă, Safari


Cod: SAF100118

Prețul inițial a fost: 63,00 lei.Prețul curent este: 60,00 lei.

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Livrare la destinatie La destinație în intervalul 2025/02/26 - 2025/02/27

Figurina Marmota este pictată manual! ATENȚIE: nerecomandat copiilor sub 3 ani, deoarece poate conține părți mici ce pot fi ingerate! Nu lăsați ambalajele jucăriilor/ produselor la îndemâna copiilor. Îndepărtați orice ambalaj al jucăriei/produsului înainte de a da jucăria/ produsul copilului.


The groundhog is known by many names, including woodchuck and whistlepig. The subject of folklore and tongue-twisters, this animal is not actually a hog, but a rodent. More specifically, the groundhog belongs to the marmot family. Several cities in North America hold festivals for Groundhog Day on February 2nd, when superstition holds that if a groundhog sees its shadow, winter will continue for six more weeks.

Scientific Name: Marmota monax
Characteristics: This groundhog is rearing up on his hind legs to have a bit of a look around. Keeping one of these rodents in captivity can be tough, but this hand painted, highly detailed figure can be your constant companion with none of the fuss.
Size and Color: Our groundhog figure measures 4 ½ inches tall and 2 ½ inches long, or about as tall as a standard can of soda. It’s painted in shades of brown, including dark brown for its nose, ears, feet, and the top of its head, and lighter brown for the fur on its face and cheeks.