
Figurină Porc Misteț, Mojo


Cod: 387160

Dimensiuni figurină porc mistreț: 11 X 3.5 X 6 cm
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The snout of the Wild Boar is probably one of this animal’s most characteristic features, and like other Wild Pigs, it sets thesemammals apart from the others. The snout of the Wild Boar has a cartilaginous disk at the end, which is supported by a small bone called the prenasal, that allows the Wild Boar’s snout to be used as a bulldozer when it is foraging for food. All Wild Boars have tusks on their bottom lips, although the male’s are larger than those of the female, and actually curve upwards out of their mouths.
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Animal Planet

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3+ (conform producătorului)