
Figurină Rinocer de Sumatra, Safari


Cod: SAF100103

Prețul inițial a fost: 48,00 lei.Prețul curent este: 46,00 lei.

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Livrare la destinatie La destinație în intervalul 2025/02/25 - 2025/02/26

Figurina Rinocer de Sumatra este pictată manual! ATENȚIE: nerecomandat copiilor sub 3 ani, deoarece poate conține părți mici ce pot fi ingerate! Nu lăsați ambalajele jucăriilor/ produselor la îndemâna copiilor. Îndepărtați orice ambalaj al jucăriei/produsului înainte de a da jucăria/ produsul copilului.


The Sumatran rhino is the smallest living rhinoceros species, and is notable for the reddish brown hair on its body, unlike most other rhinos which are mostly hairless. Sumatran rhinos live only in Sumatra and Borneo, and are critically endangered.

History: Sumatran rhinos, the only living members of the genus Dicerorhinus, are the most primitive of the rhino species alive today. It shares many of its features, like its hairy coat, with extinct rhinos, and is thought to be more closely related to the prehistoric wooly rhinoceros (genus Coelodonta) than to the other four modern day rhino species.
Scientific Name: Dicerorhinus sumatrensis
Characteristics: This Sumatran rhino toy captures all the unique traits of the rare rhino: its reddish brown hair, its small size (for a rhino) and its small pair of blunt nose horns. This little fella is posed as if on the move, perhaps trudging through the cloud forests it calls home.
Size: The Sumatran rhino toy figure is 4 ½ inches from nose to tail, and stands just a hair over 2 inches tall. It’s a bit longer than a deck of cards on its side and as tall as a credit card.