
Figurină Dilophosaurus, Safari


Cod: SAF100508

Prețul inițial a fost: 47,00 lei.Prețul curent este: 45,00 lei.

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Figurina Dilophosaurus este pictată manual!
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Dilophosaurus lived in the Early Jurassic Period, 200 million years ago. It grew to over 20 feet in length, which isn’t large when compared to later predatory dinosaurs, although it was one of the largest of its time. It had two distinctive head crests, which may have been used for display purposes.

History: The first remains of Dilophosaurus were discovered by Jesse Williams, a Navajo, in the Navajo County of Arizona, in 1940. The dinosaur would later be described formally in 1954 by paleontologist Samuel P. Welles, though he believed it to be a species of Megalosaurus. Later, in 1964, Welles discovered new remains that showed Dilophosaurus’s distinctive head crests, and named it after them upon realizing this was not a Megalosaurus.
Scientific Name: Dilophosaurus (“Double Crested Lizard”)
Characteristics: This Dilophosaurus toy figurine is hand-painted and scientifically accurate, recreating the figure’s distinct slender shape and its namesake twin head crests.
Size: Our Dilophosaurus toy is about 6 inches long and 3 inches tall, a bit bigger than a standard 3×5 index card.